Thursday 31 October 2013

Education for kids

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<div class="fb-post" data-href="" data-width="550"><div class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"><a href="">Post</a> by <a href="">UBC</a>.</div></div>

Earn Money by just introducing your Friends

We Chennai Consumer Products introducing a consumer product that will really help people to earn money in a short span of time without affecting anybody. The product is of a well known popular and fast moving brand in the market. We are offering you the product at market price and we are distributing the commissions from the dealer Margin which the company gets. 100% percent of the target population is using this product so Marketing becomes as easy. The main advantage of our product is that we are offering it at its Market price and we are not collecting any additional margin on the product. Its really a good opportunity for students who works in part time. Please don't miss the opportunity. The Plan goes like

  • You join as a customer
  • Introduce three customers to buy the product
  • Pay out will be made only when you introduce 3 customers to the business and they buy the product . After which you will be paid for each sale in your down line.
  • The plan goes for 12 weeks which is 3 months where you have an opportunity to earn Rs.3 to 5 Lakhs.